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Tag: L4M7

Receiving procedure

Receiving procedure

Procurement is not only associated with sourcing, but also with supplier relationship, contract management and asset management. Goods and service receiving may sound simple, but it is the first step to check the supplier performance. In this post, we suggest a sample procedure for receiving goods and recording the performance. Goods Receipt An organisation may purchase goods for direct consumption (such as cartridges for photocopying machine) or for stock. In either way, the receiving procedure is not much different from…

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Net present value in capital expenditure

Net present value in capital expenditure

What is net present value? Net present value (NPV) is the ‘today’ net value that deprives from ‘future’ cash flow of an investment or a capital purchase. Why does Net Present Value (NPV) matter? Imagine you are buying car for personal use. Would you buy a fresh new car or an used car? Of course, fresh new car is often more expensive than the used one, but its life-time tends to be longer. For example, price for a new car…

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Safety Stock Explained

Safety Stock Explained

Safety stock is an important and interesting concept in inventory management. However, not every procurement professionals can explain this concept clearly. Some mistake safety stock level with reorder level. Even CIPS Study guide L4M7 does not provide any formula to calculate or at least estimate the quantity of safety stock. Fortunately, the resources on Internet are plenty and free. We have done some research and in this post, we will explain the use of safety stock, formulas to calculate the…

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Materials Handling Equipment – Part 6

Materials Handling Equipment – Part 6

The term ‘material handling equipment’ is relatively familiar with people working in warehouse areas. It encompasses a diverse range of vehicles, tools and storage equipments. Typically, a warehouse is used to store items, and then move them to where they are needed. The easier it is to move items, the more efficient your warehouse can be. To increase efficiency, you need to have the right tools for the job – it will make your employee’s lives easier, and cut down…

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Materials Handling Equipment – Part 5

Materials Handling Equipment – Part 5

The term ‘material handling equipment’ is relatively familiar with people working in warehouse areas. It encompasses a diverse range of vehicles, tools and storage equipments. Typically, a warehouse is used to store items, and then move them to where they are needed. The easier it is to move items, the more efficient your warehouse can be. To increase efficiency, you need to have the right tools for the job – it will make your employee’s lives easier, and cut down…

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Materials Handling Equipment – Part 4

Materials Handling Equipment – Part 4

The term ‘material handling equipment’ is relatively familiar with people working in warehouse areas. It encompasses a diverse range of vehicles, tools and storage equipments. Typically, a warehouse is used to store items, and then move them to where they are needed. The easier it is to move items, the more efficient your warehouse can be. To increase efficiency, you need to have the right tools for the job – it will make your employee’s lives easier, and cut down…

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Materials Handling Equipment – Part 3

Materials Handling Equipment – Part 3

The term ‘material handling equipment’ is relatively familiar with people working in warehouse areas. It encompasses a diverse range of vehicles, tools and storage equipments. Typically, a warehouse is used to store items, and then move them to where they are needed. The easier it is to move items, the more efficient your warehouse can be. To increase efficiency, you need to have the right tools for the job – it will make your employee’s lives easier, and cut down…

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Materials Handling Equipment – Part 2

Materials Handling Equipment – Part 2

The term ‘material handling equipment’ is relatively familiar with people working in warehouse areas. It encompasses a diverse range of vehicles, tools and storage equipments. Typically, a warehouse is used to store items, and then move them to where they are needed. The easier it is to move items, the more efficient your warehouse can be. To increase efficiency, you need to have the right tools for the job – it will make your employee’s lives easier, and cut down…

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Material Handling Equipment – Part 1

Material Handling Equipment – Part 1

The term ‘material handling equipment’ is relatively familiar with people working in warehouse areas. It encompasses a diverse range of vehicles, tools and storage equipments. Typically, a warehouse is used to store items, and then move them to where they are needed. The easier it is to move items, the more efficient your warehouse can be. To increase efficiency, you need to have the right tools for the job – it will make your employee’s lives easier, and cut down…

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Non-traditional warehouse layouts

Non-traditional warehouse layouts

If you ever work in a warehouse, definitely you have been familiar with U-flow or through-flow layout. These two layouts may sound different, but they are designed based on one assumption: The traditional arrangement of racks (where racks must be parallel with each other, and if possible, the cross aisle should cut the aisles between racks at right angle) is the most effective. Figure 1: The traditional layout (Source: Kevin Gue’s blog)By common sense, some people might think that this…

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