Some tips for doing OR exams

Like every other exams, you should have a strategy for doing OR exams. The strategy does not need to be complex. You can make one based on our suggestion as below:
- Think and select as quick as possible any questions that fall into your confident areas
- Skip the questions that you are unsure about. Before skipping, remember to ‘flag’ them

- To lengthy question with scenario, ALWAYS READ THE LAST SENTENCE FIRST. Sometimes you may know the answer without paying attention to the details of the scenario.
- To questions with Yes/No answers, you have to know the answer to be Yes or No. If you don’t know, just skip the question. Probably you have not reviewed the relevant section.
- After reading the whole question and all of its options, if you don’t know what the question is asking about, there are two possibilities. It may be because you didn’t learn about this or the wording is very tricky (CIPS loves to use synonyms). In this case, write it down in drafting board (the exam centre will provide you a board and marker) and analyse its grammar structure.
After all, preparation is the most important determinant of your success. Make sure that you are familiar with exam questions. Our practice tests were made from exam-type questions which you can take unlimited try.