Instruction on remote invigilation exams
Remote invigilation exams are the type of exam that candidate can sit anywhere with stable internet connection. So far, CIPS only allows students to sit exam remotely in September and November exam series. We don’t know the exact reason, but we believe that CIPS is testing whether remote invigilation works effectively. In this post, I will instruct how to check and login to CIPS’s exam programmes. CIPS uses 2 exam programmes:
- TestReach: This is the platform where you will write and submit your answer. In CBE centres, this software is already installed on the computer. But if you will take the exam remotely, make sure that you install the software on your PC. You can download the installer here. After installation, you should launch the programme and try to log in. The email will be the same as MyCIPS one. The password was sent to your email before. If you cannot remember your password, click on ‘Forgot Password?’ and do as the instruction. Ensure that your new password is memorable.

If you have successfully logged in, please check the exam sessions to see whether your sessions are correct.

- VICTVS V3: This is an application used for invigilating the candidates. The app needs to be installed on your smartphone/tablet with the access to camera and microphone. You must register on then download and install the app right now because CIPS will send the November exam sessions to this app later today (November 6th). You must use your CIPS email as VICTVS V3 username. The password should be memorable so that you meet no issue when logging in before the exams.
Wish you all the best!