Common themes of L4M8 questions

Common themes of L4M8 questions

Unlike OR exams, CR exams such as L4M8 or L4M1 ask specific questions (often with scenario). It is hard to dictate where is the focus areas of these exams. We do a quick research on the Principal Marker reports to see which are the themes of L4M8 questions.

May-24Procurement Cycle stagesContract awardPurchase price and WLAMKPIs for sustainability
Mar-24Procurement Cycle stagesContract implementationWhole life asset managementPositive social impact
Nov-23Contract managementSupplier identification and appraisalDecommissioning and DisposalEthical and Responsible Sourcing
Jul-23Defining needsExpress termsTotal cost of acquisitionCIPS Code of Conduct
May-23Stages of procurement cycleSupplier selection criteriaWhole life assets managementImproving organization's ethical performance
Mar-23Procurement Cycle stagesContract clausesWhole-life assets managementImpacts of ethical matters on the process and the market
Nov-22Market analysisSupplier selection criteriaHidden costsSupplier monitoring with ethical focus
July-22Key stages of procurement cycleAdded value of sourcing process stageElements of whole life asset managementEthical and responsible sourcing
May-22Procurement CycleModel forms contractWhole life costEthical sourcing
Mar-22Early supplier involvementEffective contract managementWLAM costsEthical sourcing solution
Nov-21Contract management & supplier relationship managementSupplier selection stageHidden costs & senior management supportEthical sourcing and CSR
Jul-21Contract managementExpress contract termsWhole life asset costingFraud, Bribery and Corruption
May-21Supplier managementExpress contract termsDisposal of assetSocial impact of a business
Mar-21CIPS Procurement CycleSupplier evaluationAcquisition and operation costsThe need for ethical and responsible sourcing
Jan-21OutsourcingContractual termsDecommissioning processEthical and sustainable KPIs
Nov-20Tender processFinancial ratiosWLC stagesCIPS Code of Conduct
Sep-20Early supplier involvementModel forms of contractWLC stagesFraud and Bribery
Jul-20Market analysis and testingFinancial ratiosWLC elementsCIPS Code of Conduct

8 thoughts on “Common themes of L4M8 questions

  1. A very useful resource – well timed in publication, too, with exams next week!
    Thank you.

  2. This helped me out thank you,hope you will give us a chance to do more than one question as to enhance our knowledge

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