Study for CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply is not an easy task. If you fail, retaking the exams will be very costly. Don’t be confused any more, we have done the hard work and bring to you a set of questions that may help you to pass L4M2 exam at the very first intake.
Until this moment, CIPS has not released any past papers of OR exams. Though we made the test in the same format as CIPS exams, our work does not violate any intellectual property rights of CIPS or any other person. Some of the explanation excerpts short paragraphs from CIPS study guide, but they are only intended to help students understand the content better. We believe that it will be a good complementary to your study.
Why you should buy our practice tests?
- We promote the ethical practice and creativity in making the practice tests.
- We have been trusted by CIPS students around the world. Even self-study students can pass the exams with flying colour by practising with our mock tests.
- We are invited to Udemy for Business programme (note: only 3% of all Udemy Instructors are selected to join this programme)
- All the tests are provided with external resources, careful explanation and free summarised notes. These supports not only help you pass the exams, but also help you apply the knowledge in real world scenario.
Who this course is for?
- Students who are studying CIPS Diploma in Procurement and Supply
- Anyone who works as procurement professional wants to expand their knowledge
- CIPS Members
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